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Old 12-07-2022, 11:50 AM
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Rhotchkiss Rhotchkiss is offline
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Originally Posted by raulus View Post
The government was giving out free money to businesses who met a very short list of easily achievable conditions, and business owners applied for and received the free money?
This is EXACTLY what happened. Plain and simple. Many who took the money did not need it, but they DID qualify - just like many who got the $1600 stimulus checks took that money even though they did not need it (I get one was stimulus and the other PPP, but both "need" based). I think this is a case of "dont hate the player, hate the game". The government screwed the pooch on this one. However, I realize that is easy to say in hindsight. Remember, at the time, we had no idea what was going on -- there was a medical cruise ship in the Hudson, the Javitz center was converted to a hospital, people were washing their groceries while wearing gloves and masks, and the world shut down. It was a crazy time and many mistakes were made. Learn and move on.

As an aside, my company had over 200 employees at the time (we have grown since), and we did not take a dollar of PPP money, despite efforts by banks and lawyers wanting to help us apply. It just did not seem right (or patriotic) because we did not need it. However, it was well within our "right" per the PPP rules. Just sayin....