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Old 12-02-2022, 07:29 PM
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Snowman Snowman is offline
Tra,vis Tr,ail
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 2,004

I hate qualifiers on slabs. There is no such thing as a "9 (OC)" or an "8 (MC)" to me. That's nonsense. Why not a PSA 10 (BTC) for "but the corners"? If a card was cut wrong, then it is not a high-grade card. And what's with the (PD) qualifier? Seriously? ... Slabbing a card that you can't even make out the image from due to registration being off by 1/4" as a "PSA 9 (PD)" is clearly nonsense. Nobody cares if the corners are nice if they can't even make out who the player is supposed to be.

PSA is the worst...
If it's not perfectly centered, I probably don't want it.
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