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Old 11-25-2022, 06:45 AM
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Pat R Pat R is offline
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Originally Posted by Jay Wolt View Post
Heritage mentioned it was the "Nodgrass" variation
PSA & Probstein didn't
Yes it's the different prices and descriptions that make it interesting. Actually Probstein did put error in the title but that's all, PSA not putting it on the label doesn't mean anything because I don't think they will grade the variations anymore but Heritage advertised it as a nodgrass variation in the title and write up but no one called it out then.

I've never seen any of the nodgrass fakes that were done 20 years ago I just know what I've read about them and that someone even tried to fake a catching nodgrass. I don't know if this cards a fake or a variation of a variation, there is something that I see on this card that's on some other Snodgrass cards but not any of the legit nodgrass variations so I believe Dan is probably right.

Last edited by Pat R; 11-25-2022 at 06:46 AM.
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