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Old 11-23-2022, 08:15 AM
BillyCoxDodgers3B BillyCoxDodgers3B is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 1,752

I have a friend who assists several of his LCSs in pulling anything with a little value out of such lots that come in. They allow him to keep the rest, which he mostly gives away to friends. They would all be recycled otherwise. I've picked up groups of 5000 or so 1980's cards from him for the price of shipping. I send along a prepaid UPS label. It's been strangely calming to sort and go through all of these old memories even if the value isn't present. Just a walk down memory lane for the cost of shipping. Anything I can't use gets swapped, just like the old days, with no money changing hands. Hard to believe there are still lots of people collecting this stuff just for the fun of it, and even harder to believe that so much personal enjoyment has been derived from it. If I want to get away from the monetary aspect of the business, I just do a bit of this stuff for the relaxation it provides; almost an internal counter-balancing. I'll send off a package or three to people who actually have use for Johnnys Grubb and Wockenfuss, for whom these cards actually bring good feelings. I swear, it's not as strange as it sounds! Wait, yes it is. But hey, there's simply no negativity with this junk wax. Gotta love that.

I know I'd likely have interest in some similarly sized groupings of pre-1987 baseball as noted above if it was just going to be disposed of otherwise. Maybe others here would as well. I'm shortest on 1980-84 and likely have enough from 1985 & '87-89 (but don't we all?!). Perhaps people are still finding use for their earlier 80's commons. I have to admit I haven't really kept an eye on this material since the late 80's, other than when most of it came crashing down!

Last edited by BillyCoxDodgers3B; 11-23-2022 at 08:19 AM.
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