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Old 11-13-2022, 05:06 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 6,942

I believe the T204 sheet was destroyed by Frank Nagy in the late 80's or 90's, and thus I did not include. I don't think there is a photograph of it to show the layout that we might learn anything from. I'm also not sure if the T204's were printed by the same group of partners that did the partnership promotion with the ATC; if they are really part of the 1909-1912 card promotion generally credited in the hobby to the American Lithographic Co. and the American Tobacco Co. (though it definitely included other printing companies that may or may not have been shadow subsidiaries, and probably a small number of non-ATC products).

T419 is several years before this project and not part of it, though a series of proof sheets sounds no less awesome for that fact.
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