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Old 10-11-2022, 01:22 PM
BobC BobC is online now
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 3,276

Originally Posted by philliesfan View Post
Bob C. - Here is another version of your story.
Think of it like this, a guy's walking down the sidewalk next to a used car dealer, just minding his own business and looking at the cars as he's walking by. All of a sudden a salesman thinks he will help this guy out by offering a lower price than he was asking. So the red sporty car marked $5K is offered for $4,200.
The guy figures OK, since I am interested, I will offer a price where he could steal it from the salesman and offers $3,500.
Well, the salesman thinks to himself there's no way he is able let that car be stolen that cheap, so in his kind heart he lowers it one last time and lets the gentleman know he cannot go any lower.
So now the guy is perturbed that he can't steal it. And thinks the salesman may be desperate enough to sell at any cost and completely rip off the salesman and comes back with a paltry offer price of $3,200.00
Confused by the buyer and realizing that the potential buyer may have a screw loose and does not want any possible aggravation, decides to stop this and any future negotiations. He leaves the original price on the car and it sells a week later for the full amount.

Now take the "car" that was being sold in my example, and add a "d" to the end of it to make it a "card" that was being sold instead..........................


Bob, Bob, Bob!

Absolutely true and fine to change my example, but you completely missed my point, while also conveniently leaving out the most important part of the story, about the car salesman taking umbrage and banning the guy forever from his used car lot, after it was the salesman who originally talked the guy into coming onto his lot to start negotiations to begin with. The point in my example of mentioning that the guy could then turn around and do a different, smooth and seamless deal with another car dealer was merely to demonstrate that regardless of what the first salesman thinks, the whole episode doesn't automatically make the guy a bad buyer. But you're right, that first car salesman could push his aggressive sales technique on the next guy just walking down the street and end up making a deal for what he originally was trying to get for the car. And yes, that is great for the car salesman, but does it excuse and justify his treatment of the first guy he ended up banning? NO!!!!!! The banning of the first guy and subsequent sale to another guy have absolutely no correlation or anything to do with each other.

My entire point is that there are a lot of dealers on here that may share a lot of myopic viewpoints when it comes to dealing and engaging with potential customers, but that those viewpoints may not be so universally embraced by society in general. And exactly why I mentioned the possibility of telling such a story on Reddit's AITA site. I would not be surprised to find the general public consensus would be to find that the salesman banning the guy in my story would in a majority of their minds, be the a--hole.

I am in no way looking to disparage any dealers, and truly believe they have the right to sell their stuff for what and how they want. But they should at least be aware that how they may act and treat customers can possibly make them look like a--holes to a large number of people. The old adage is supposedly, "The customer is always right.". I know in real life that is certainly not always true, and there are definitely a lot of crappy customers out there. However in a case where a potential customer did not initiate the interaction, and then technically did nothing wrong, deceitful, or illegal, but still gets banned by the seller as a result...................well, try thinking about how that may look to the general public. And for those that come back and say they don't care what the general public may think, that is fine. Just don't also complain and argue about how the general public may view you then, because doing so may also tend to make one look like an..................................

And if someone wants to label me the same way for bringing up and questioning something like this, I'm perfectly fine with that. Just have the courtesy to actually respond to questions asked, and try to be open minded enough to realize yours may not always be the only acceptable opinion out there, nor necessarily the majority opinion. And this is not specifically directed at any one person. As I said, I respect people's opinions being based on past issues and incidents you may have encountered. I may not understand them, but you are entitled to them.

Last edited by BobC; 10-11-2022 at 01:27 PM.
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