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Old 10-02-2022, 03:57 AM
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Originally Posted by jingram058 View Post
It was early on that he used a bat that big, but he always swung a club and made it look like a toothpick. Then there was his step into it swing. He was so far ahead of everyone else that he made what were previously great hitters look like kindergarten t-ballers. So many people today scientifically and with metrics and data, try to definitively say Ruth couldn't hit his way out of a wet paper sack today and that pitchers back he was playing were throwing slow pitch pitching machine softballs. Pure, unadulterated, BS, hogwash. If you believe that modern day, armchair, or just out and out jealous crap, I've got some beautiful beach front property for sale, cheap. Vote for me when I run for President.
Ruth would be an elite hitter in any era. But that doesn't change the fact that the pitches he faced were far slower and with less movement than what hitters face today.
If it's not perfectly centered, I probably don't want it.
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