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Old 09-24-2022, 01:27 PM
skil55voy skil55voy is offline
Michael Skiles
Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: Avon, Indiana
Posts: 271
Default 62 Jello

Incredibly tough set to complete and I would agree that it may be the hardest Post War set to finish. To complete one with borders intact, well near impossible. Between Ken, Fred and others we have been trying to identify which boxes each card was produced on. The information for the 1963 Jello set exists. Currently (without checking with my colleagues) I believe there are 67 players who have not been identified to a specific flavor, regular or pudding. We have also not determined exactly where the cards were released other than vague "Chicago area, Wisconsin etc." From a personal standpoint I believe they may have been released in the Cincinnati area. There seems to be Red Leg cards available in higher numbers than others. But, this only an opinion. If anyone is interested I have a breakdown of known players and their boxes and which players have not been identified. The data is in excel spreadsheets and I would be glad to send on request.
Michael Skiles
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