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Old 09-17-2022, 08:58 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
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Originally Posted by Carter08 View Post
Look at the pictures of her and that may help realize why it’s an uphill battle for me to take his side on this. You beat the crap out of someone and I’m not giving you the benefit of the doubt.
I never said I condone what Bauer did, and am certainly not automatically taking his side. I do not know all the facts and details in this case to be able to do so. I also cannot automatically dismiss that the alleged victim may have had some complicity or shared guilt in all this either. Please tell me why he is somehow then able to find women that apparently want to have "rough sex" with him? Didn't the women who has taken him to court actually sleep with him and have these "rough sex' sessions more than once? If she wasn't into it and asking for the punishment to reach her "happy ending", why did she voluntarily go back to him then?

Something about this entire situation doesn't quite add up, especially when you add in the pictures of the victim in bed with Bauer supposedly after one of these "rough sex" sessions. Add in to that the decision by the prosecutors NOT to press criminal charges against Bauer, AND the fact that the victim could not get a judge to grant her a restraining order against Bauer. As others have previously pointed out, getting a simple restraining order in an alleged assault type case should be a virtual slam dunk for the victim/accuser, yet the judge involved said NO!!!! That is fricking huge! I am not privy to all the evidence, testimony, and such that led a judge to decide against granting the restraining order, are you??? If not, then you probably don't know anything more about all the actual details and such, other than what has come out and been reported in the news and media, than I or pretty much anyone else on this forum really does. I at least have the intelligence and open-mindedness to not rush to a biased decision and know and realize that I do not know all the true facts and details in this case, and don' just make decisions based on what is shown and reported in possibly sensationalized and biased media and news stories and reports, or by others who tell me what I should believe because they are right, and anyone not in absolute agreement with them is wrong. I am totally against anyone, female or male, getting beaten up like this woman was. But if she was in fact asking to be treated roughly during sex with Bauer, and he was complying with her wishes and desires, at least initially, the narrative isn't as cut and dried IMO as others are claiming.

And the fact I know that I don't know enough to make a final decision on this issue, makes me all the more question MLB for what now appears to possibly be a somewhat premature judgement and penalty handed down against Bauer. And don't kid yourself, MLB likely went ahead and penalized Bauer already, before any final legal resolution to his civil case, just to make the public that has already declared Bauer guilty in their minds, happy. They don't want fans upset with them and to possibly lose business and money because of Bauer. I don't think they honestly care what kind of sex life Bauer chooses, but when it may cost the baseball team owners a dollar or two, suddenly they gain a conscience.

People are free to think and decide how they like, and I am happy to hear and listen to anyone's reasoning and evidence. But people also need to remember the "Golden Rule", and try to see and realize that others may have radically different ideas than them, like possibly being into "rough sex" or "S&M" and what that entails and implies.
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