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Old 09-07-2022, 01:24 AM
Volod Volod is offline
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Default Mass susceptibility

Originally Posted by JollyElm View Post
I don't want to say it, but at 91 years of age, it needs to be said...

422. Mourning Track Power
Buying up cards of a very old former player, for the sole purpose of selling them at exorbitant prices on the gigantic bubble that will surely come after he passes away.

In the last few years, cards of every all-time great who had suddenly passed away skyrocketed in value. Add to that the sheer legendary status of 'The Say Hey Kid' and you better buy now while the (overpriced) getting is good (not as badly overpriced as it could be).

Again, not happy to be a realist here.
You may be right, but where is the rationality behind the phenomenon, if any? None of those guys were lowered into the ground with their coffins stuffed with thousands of their cards, so what is driving the "bubble" expectation? There is, of course, the projected scarcity of autographed collectibles, but that aspect of the market is relatively small compared to vintage cards in general. So, is the anticipated skyrocketing in value simply due to Willie's unexpected longevity compared to his contemporaries, with marketers getting anxious that he might even outlive them and cause them to lose out on the bubble expansion?
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