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Old 08-31-2022, 07:54 PM
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Lorewalker Lorewalker is offline
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
He should simply produce the evidence, since he clearly seems eager to get as much publicity out of this as possible and wants to try it in the court of hobby opinion. SCD articles that are really just parroting his claim and take under the guise of an objective report, podcast appearances, just put out the evidence, which he claims to have, if there's an actual crime.
Gizmo is on a publicity tour right now. He sold both of us showing up to the trial. Still lots of holes and that video did not help his cause, imo, and certainly did not make it any more clear what actually happened. We still only have one person's side of the story. Only thing that gives me reason to pause is that he specifically accused someone of stealing from him and gave us his name. That guy has not made any effort to clear his name, that we know of.
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