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Old 08-25-2022, 07:57 PM
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brianp-beme brianp-beme is online now
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1911 Obak card writeups are a fun blend of corniness and generic statements, quite often with a focus on either lesser or nonconsequential aspects of the game, as well as sometimes really exaggerating the player's abilities. Here are 16 winners from the set, and I will highlight key features of each in case you are unable/unwilling to read all the backs.

Thorsen - is "a young giant of husky build" who "fields his position in average style"

Ables - another "giant" who is "one of the few men in baseball who can cover the entire ball with his hand"

Mitze - is "clever at tagging runners, is sure on foul flies and displays good judgement in all points of the game"

Pearce - is "one of the largest men as catchers in baseball" (size theme becoming evident), who "works hard at winning and is always trying"

Pyfl - evidently "plays a snappy game", but is also an "enthusiastic worker, with a good supply of "ginger""

Rodgers - is one who "puts up a clever game at second base", and "is noted for his snap and vim and ground covering tendencies" (if only all of us could be blessed with such tendencies)

LaLonge - is one "of the smallest catchers in the League" who "shoots the ball around in lively style" and is known as " a peppery player and a dangerous hitter" (despite a 3 year .195 batting average)

Lerchen - is the "youngest and smallest short stop in the League" who is "very clever on double plays" who also "shows rare skill in tagging base runners"

Mohler - besides being a "wizard on ground balls", Mohler is "the cleverest man in the League at tagging base runners". Not to mention that his "clever inside work has been responsible in a large measure for his team's success", as well as being "a very clever batsman" (over 40% of 1911 Obak writeups have either the word 'clever', 'cleverest' or 'cleverly', but I believe Mohler is the only player bestowed with it three times)

Schmidt - not only is Schmidt "a very clever throwing catcher" who "shoots the ball to the bags in dazzling style", but his "throws have prevented many a stolen base", which shouldn't overshadow how "strong on foul flies" he is, nor that he possesses that rare ability of a player who "runs the bases with judgement"

Carson - was left on the short end of the writeup schtick, merely possessing "a cracker-jack underhand curve"

Raleigh - is "one of the cleverest left-handed pitchers in the League" who "has shown rare form and has been getting away with his games in good style"

Bues - "fields in great form and is a corking good hitter" who, unlike other of his slacker teammates and fellow opponents, "is a valuable base runner"

Cooney - this says it all: "A clever base-runner, a fine run-getter and a player who is up to all the tricks in the game." Ok, maybe he has more to offer, as he is also "a hard man to play for, owing to his clever bunting"

Zimmerman - he is "a clever utility man" and a very clever base-runner" who "has made quite a name for himself as a heady player" (double cleverness and headiness don't often mix, but Zimmerman somehow pulls it off in good form)

Erickson - is one of the "big right-handers" who is "pitching gilt-edged ball" and tops it all off with being "a wonderful fielding pitcher for such a big chap"

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