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Old 08-24-2022, 02:10 PM
Tony Gordon Tony Gordon is offline
Tony Gordon
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Chicago
Posts: 240

Originally Posted by Exhibitman View Post
Given the growth of the hobby maybe not a bad idea to add more space. I'd also argue for modifying the floor plans for the show:

1. Put the autographs, breaker area and the card grading services in a separate room. Those activities are sufficiently differentiated from the basic buying and selling of cards and memorabilia that there is no real loss to having them off the main floor.

2. I'd also put the true corporate booths (the ones that don't actually sell stuff) at one end of the main floor away from the dealer tables. It is a PITA to circle around or traverse the no-man's-land of the corporate booths twenty times a day moving between dealer table rows.

3. I would also segregate the auction houses from the dealer tables. Candidly, I don't care what trinkets the AHs have on display; that's maybe something I briefly look at while having a snack.

I'd love to see 700-1000 dealer tables concentrated into one area.

I'd also like to see more tables and chairs available besides by the concessions. The IX Center certainly could accommodate a series of sitting areas on the show floor. Might be nice for visiting and trading.

ETA: my last few shows in Cleveland have been really good, and I have come around to not minding the IX Center, especially if they've gotten rid of that f***ing annoying Ferris wheel dead zone in the middle of the room. The airport is the size of a small regional airport here in LA, so easy to get around (I still get lost in O'Hare every time) and I've found some good areas to go to eat. Having to get a car is a drag, but it isn't a deal-breaker for me.
Great suggestions! Unfortunately, I think the folks that operate the National are not concerned about the dealers. Seems to me the show is all about the corporate booths, auction houses and the breakers. How come the corporate folks don't have to wait in line in the dealer lottery to get booths? I also wonder with new management all based out east, what is their incentive to hold the show anywhere but east?

I have observed that there are more and more large shows being held across the country. I think these large regional shows will become better alternatives for dealers in the future as the National continues to cater to corporate, auction houses and breakers (someone take away their microphones!!). I also would like to see more vintage-only shows like Strongsville.

Last edited by Tony Gordon; 08-24-2022 at 02:11 PM.
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