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Old 08-12-2022, 10:08 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Originally Posted by 1952boyntoncollector View Post
Depends, was the score 7-0, so the pitcher didnt care about some of the runs

dont need to draw in the infield with man on third and no outs when up 7-0

ground ball to third, easy throw home for out with 80 percent chance but 100 percent chance for an out by throwing to first to avoid a crooked number...

yes wins for pitchers arent biggest thing ever but you cant punish a pitcher for giving up runs because his team is up and the team cares more about the win than some runs...heck they let players take 2nd base in the 9th and it doesnt count as a steal but if he scores on a hit it counts as run?
Thanks Jake for responding to Peter's silly question for me. He's just asking a ridiculous question hoping that some knucklehead that doesn't know any better will respond that the guy who lost 2-1 must have been more effective because he only gave up 2 runs, while the other pitcher who gave up 5 runs wasn't as good. He's just trying to throw shade on the idea that wins are the most important thing to indicate a pitcher is a great by taking a single game to convince others I don't know what I'm talking about. He's trying to cherry pick a one game situation to raise doubt against what I've already said can only be shown over seasons or an entire career. Even the greatest pitchers of all time have an occasional off day. That is just being human!

He knows better though, and he also knows he didn't give us anywhere near enough information to ever possibly make an informed response to his question. What he does know is that a lot of people on here don't really pay attention and think when they see and read stuff that is posted. It is the same kind of crap comments/questions that political pundits on both sides put out that are half-truths and false information, just looking to get ignorant people to believe them without ever really using their heads and actually thinking.

To further condemn Peter's question as irrelevant to this topic, what if the 5 runs the winning pitcher gave up were all unearned, while the losing pitcher gave up two earned runs? Or alternatively, what if these were two late season games, and pitcher A was up against a team aggressively going after a playoff spot and trying to clinch home field advantage, and the opposing team had the league leading home run and RBI hitters in their lineup, as well as having the highest team batting average in the majors. Meanwhile, pitcher B was up against a team that had already clinched a playoff spot, so the opposing manager sat all his regular veteran players and put an entire team of AAA and AA call-ups out on the field for the whole game. And even though they only scored 2 runs against pitcher B, they had 12 hits off him, but due to some great defensive plays by pitcher B's teammates, and some baserunning and communication screw-ups by the opposing team, his opponents failed to score even more runs that they really should have.

However, I do also take exception to your comment that wins for pitchers are not the biggest thing ever. If they aren't, then what is the one biggest thing for pitchers then?

In all my posts and comments, I've again and again put forth my logic, facts and scenarios to try and show how the "it" factor that the great pitchers have to be able to win is apparently immeasurable using even advanced statistics. And as such, for all the different pitchers, with all their different styles and ways of pitching, through all the years and different eras, the one irrefutable fact throughout the entire history of baseball has always been that the pitchers who are considered as the greatest by the sport and its fans is that they WIN!!!

I've heard and seen enough people on here simply saying I'm wrong and that pitcher's wins aren't that important. But I have yet to see one person put forth even a tenth of the info, logic, facts or effort that I have, in an attempt to present and prove that something else is more important over the entire history of baseball for pitchers than their wins. Just hearing people basically saying, "I'm right, and you're wrong." to disprove my thinking, with no actual facts or info presented, and no alternative they can present and support, just makes me disappointed.
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