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Old 08-02-2022, 03:04 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by Carter08 View Post
If the law says there has to be a background check before a gun sale happens and that is not being done, the law clearly needs to be enforced better. Instead of arguing against the semantics of it do you agree with that at least?
It’s not semantics; some of the participants simply do not know the laws and propose bizarre or vague things as a result. There has been talk of strengthening them, without defining what that means. The law gives the state plenty of time to do it. It’s an automated check in an instant system. They can do them if they wanted too. The laws allows them too. There is nothing to change there. If you’d like for the FBI to be competent, that is an entirely separate matter than anything I said.

Do I think it needs to be done better? This has been answered several times. Background checks clearly are not in accord with the Constitution (you do not need the state to approve your mouth to practice free speech, you do not need the state to give you permission after they look into you to have a right to not incriminate yourself, etc.), but background checks don’t really bother me. Personally I don’t think it makes much of a real difference whether the FBI is incompetent or not in this regard. Background checks do not seem to work at their goal. The vast majority of them are performed with seemingly little to no impact. It is a quixotic quest to create a Utopia where people are only murdered with older technology tools that are more palatable to a political faction. That ship sailed before 1776.
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