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Old 07-23-2022, 02:38 PM
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Originally Posted by steve B View Post
I looked up Tab and Fanta. Tab was introduced by coke in 1963 in the US. So it may have been just a bit too late for a 1964 set, especially if it was in Canada.

Fanta was also a Coke brand, formed in Germany during WWII, discontinued post war, but brought back internationally in 55. In the US, it wasn't sold until sometime in the 60's, and I didn't see an exact date.It was around for the mid 60's Again, not sure about how closely Canadian brands tracked US brands.
But it does look like they only did Sprite And Coke.
Because I am not familiar with the other two products. Even though I remember as a much younger person we had Tab and Fanta here in Canada. But I do not believe I have ever seen those two products with hockey players on them. So did these other two products release hockey players on their caps as well.Thanks.
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