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Old 07-20-2022, 05:53 PM
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perezfan perezfan is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Changing gears...

Let's see some Hunt Auction Pennant pickups! Their All Star Auction was the best pennant auction in eons, so I'm sure some people here must've bolstered their collections.

I spent my wad early (on non-pennant pickups) before the pennant barrage hit later in the auction. Otherwise I'd have gone hard after many of those pennants.

My biggest frustration is this one. I tried to bid it up, but Invaluable wouldn't register the bid. Someone out there really benefited from that gaffe...

This is the one I was most focused on, going into the auction. I believe it's the only known example. I know Mike Egner owned it at one point, and I've seen it two other times (easily identified by the blunt tip). But the next bid increment would've taken it to $1,500. And even if that bid won, that's a $2,000 price tag with BP, Sales Tax and Shipping all thrown in...

Seemed like a lot to pay for a pennant lacking any "baseball graphics". I'm guessing, however that another will not surface in my lifetime. Regardless, congrats are in order to somebody!

Last edited by perezfan; 07-20-2022 at 10:50 PM.
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