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Old 07-20-2022, 02:04 PM
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Ben North
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Originally Posted by BobbyStrawberry View Post
Some people might buy one because of the look, sure. School shooters want them because of the damage they do with that "little baby" ammo.

But don't take my word for these things:

From a Trauma Center Radiologist

From the FBI
I don't want to get shot with a BB gun but 223s are baby ammo for rifles. If they are choosing them for their damage they are complete morons at best when it is one of the weakest rounds.

I have personaly shot many rifles including AR-15s. My 30-06 makes them look like a BB shot by a Daisy Red Rider.

Have you personaly fired any rifles or are you just finding info on the internet? Nothing wrong with that just trying to understand you POV on the 223 round.
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