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Old 07-14-2022, 12:38 PM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: South Dakota
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Originally Posted by JustinD View Post
I forgot to say that another reason for my slowdown are the addition of sales taxes to every purchase due to my location.

I can't even count how many times I have been on the trigger, but then pulled out on a larger ticket item as that additional cost pushes it over my happiness vs cost mental line.

The cost savings on these state taxes has seriously placed moving to a non-sales tax state high on my priority list as the constant dings to my income seem to place 25% of the country at a distinct advantage while making purchases. As well as the taxed retirement penalties I have to worry about in the near future.

If I can just convince the wife, I would leave Michigan in a second for some of the advantages fiscally. The bummer is all highway of leaving NY and Cali folk keep jumping up the housing prices in the areas I keep looking at.

(PS - I know that the Captain America crowd on paying taxes will jump on this, but honestly it does not bother me and I feel a wise man does all he can to lower his tax burden.)
I am with you. I want to go to the Oregon coast. I have been retired for some time but the wife is the CFO at a company that owns several other companies and they just keep throwing cash at her to stay. I tell her we have plenty of money but money people never feel that way.
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