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Old 07-06-2022, 08:57 AM
HexsHeroes HexsHeroes is offline
Vincent Hecksel
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Lansing Michigan
Posts: 589


I am one of those whom exited the hobby this year. In my case, it was parting with my collection of vintage baseball autographs (in particular, Detroit Tigers). While the high cost/low availability of the "wants" on my list contributed to my decision to sell, it was primarily a combination of factors starting with the transition to having less "stuff" as I get older (estate planning), and eventually preparation for retirement and downsizing my home.

While the topic has come up in one way or another (what happens to your collection when you die, etc.), I know that my wife literally is terrified with the prospects of dealing with (disposing) of my "stuff". I have no kids. And my wife has no collecting knowledge of any kind. So parting with my collections while I am still able to do so is a huge relief (kindness) to her. And lends well towards the other life events ahead. Will I miss it ? Yes, and no. Collecting is always going to be a part of my DNA. But the thrill of the hunt, and joy from acquiring are greatly diminished as I have gotten older. A shame perhaps. But it has been a great ride for the most part. And while I might not have realized as much in dollars and cents from the sale of my collection (as I had hoped), the sense of relief is quite real.
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