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Old 06-26-2022, 08:32 PM
Carter08 Carter08 is offline
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
Batshit crazy was used to refer to the proposal that the 4th amendment be ignored and a police state set up to search anyone anywhere without any cause whatsoever, to see if they have a gun and arrest them, while ignoring any other illegal things they may be doing.

Banning everything I called extreme. It becomes crazy when the proposal is to ban basically everything or everything from the last century and a half of development without first using the legal process to actually eliminate the 2nd amendment. Nobody has proposed doing this (which would at least be a logical and coherent argument, just one I disagree with) - each proposal is to simply ignore constitutional rights they find inconvenient, the 2nd, the 4th, etc.
No one is proposing an amendment because it can’t be done as a practice matter and it doesn’t need to be done. The second amendment does not provide a right or privilege for a citizen to acquire any type of weapon they can get their hands on. So, what does it provide? Bazookas, nuclear weapons, semis? Constructive debate may ensue…
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