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Old 06-26-2022, 08:17 PM
G1911 G1911 is online now McCl.@y
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 6,690

Originally Posted by Deertick View Post
For every batshit crazy person that wants to bans all guns there are an equal number of batshit crazy people who want zero restrictions. And both ends of the spectrum like to pretend that it is a binary choice. But if the batshit crazies scream loud enough, people in the middle start to give too much credence to the claims. Ain't our society grand?
Batshit crazy was used to refer to the proposal that the 4th amendment be ignored and a police state set up to search anyone anywhere without any cause whatsoever, to see if they have a gun and arrest them, while ignoring any other illegal things they may be doing.

Banning everything I called extreme. It becomes crazy when the proposal is to ban basically everything or everything from the last century and a half of development without first using the legal process to actually eliminate the 2nd amendment. Nobody has proposed doing this (which would at least be a logical and coherent argument, just one I disagree with) - each proposal is to simply ignore constitutional rights they find inconvenient, the 2nd, the 4th, etc.
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