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Old 06-26-2022, 04:16 PM
Carter08 Carter08 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2021
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
This is blatantly illegal for reasons beyond the 2nd. I get some of you apparently want to live in a total police state where they may search anyone at any time for no reason and punish people who exercise constitutionally protected rights you don’t like (but, hilariously, your idea gives blanket immunity to ANY actual criminal item these people have on them) but the vast majority of both right and left is strongly against living in such a state.

It is already illegal for a 15 year to conceal carry. It is illegal for a 15 year old to purchase a handgun at all.

Some of these ideas here are just batshit crazy. Banning post civil war technology is somehow the LEAST extreme idea proposed the last several pages by the regulators. And they wonder why gun owners don’t want to ‘come to the table for common sense reform’ when every demand is to just blatantly null and void the Constitution while ignoring the legal mechanisms to actually do that.
In 2022, during a troubling time when leadership attempted to come to bipartisan solutions, there was just one man who understood how to read the Constitution and we are all forever grateful.
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