Thread: Fraudosynthesis
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Old 06-24-2022, 07:28 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Originally Posted by Kutcher55 View Post
Aha. I was taking about a different eBay seller. But yeah those eBay star ratings are pretty much worthless. They just have little interest in banning anyone who generates revenue for them except in the most extreme cases.
There you go Jason, now you get it. He'd been on the forum here for a while, and has been all over Ebay for years. Not sure how he sells things now, but one of his usual Ebay things in the past was to list items at some absolutely ridiculous prices that no one in their right minds would ever pay. He always appeared to be looking for some uninformed newbies he could take advantage of. If you ever contacted him to ask a question that he perceived and took the wrong way, look out. He would start sending you a series of harassing emails through Ebay, attacking your intelligence and knowledge, and basically accusing you of having attacked, insulted, and denigrating him. He was well-schooled and extremely adept at knowing Ebay's rules and policies on communications, and would always be just this side of going over the line in his posts to get himself in trouble with Ebay. I wondered if his tactic wasn't to try and get someone answering him back in such a manner that he could then immediately report them to Ebay so he could get them banned/kicked off.

He would sell some stuff apparently at real reasonable prices as well, so as to actually have some sales and get positive feedback. But for the stuff he'd put up on Ebay at ridiculous prices, or that there was some issue with the item or description (like this supposedly yellow ink error card that Darren originally posted), send him a question and ask about it or voice your concern, and look out.

If you are really adventurous and up for a challenge, go to that Ebay listing Darren posted and contact the seller and tell him you think he erred in the description of that card and it isn't an actual printing/ink error, but looks more like fading from having been left out in the sun too long, and therefore isn't worth the price he's asking. I really wouldn't advise it though. LOL
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