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Old 06-13-2022, 02:51 PM
G1911 G1911 is online now McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by Carter08 View Post
You defending your family at home given the number of guns out that there can be acquired by bad folks is 1 million percent something that has to be taken into consideration. I don’t want to take that away from you. I want to change something because what we’re doing is not working. What the exact changes are I don’t know and I’ve said before I think it has to come from smart gun owners to come up with a better path forward. The better path being more guns is not workable for me or many likeminded folks.
Charging me $5,000 a bullet quite literally does take it away from me though. Only billionaires can possibly train responsibly following your tax plan. Banning pretty much everything from post-Civil War technology does take it away from me. That is exactly what is being proposed. Taking them away from normal citizens does not remove them from criminals (it is already another felony for them to possess arms, to use them in the commission of a crime, and to murder people with any tool).

Originally Posted by Carter08 View Post
The main issue with trying to advance this forward seems to be but that’s not perfect because what about this or that. Well, don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Criticizing these huge bans is not highlighting an imperfection. We aren't nitpicking on little details; the last sequence of demands in this thread are rolling technology back over a century and either criminalizing pretty much all gun owners or instituting a tax that is a de facto ban on private arms ownership entirely. These aren't imperfections or nitpicking. Of course gun owners are not going to support criminalizing half the nation and stripping the Bill of Rights away. I'm not looking for perfect; I'm pro-gun because I don't believe perfect is an achievable goal. There are always going to be psycho's and criminals; 100% of humanity is not going to gather around the campfire and sing kumbaya together. I wish I didn't need a gun for anything besides sport use. However, I live in the real world, not a fantasy land, and in the real world people do (and have) attempted to invade my home (and millions of others), or try to massacre innocent children. Criminalizing half of us doesn't address this at all. These people are criminals because they don't care about the law and will break it. Huge bans like this don't address the problem.
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