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Old 06-13-2022, 12:19 PM
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Charles Jackson
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Originally Posted by JustinD View Post
I have been avoiding this thread as it predictably devolved into a complete mess as expected.

I just was wondering as with even the prevalence of requests for sub 10 round magazines, where did this call for 5 come from? It is new to me as even a simple cowboy revolver cylinder would exceed this 5 idea. The Lone Ranger had a pistol that breaks the law on this premise.

Also, I can tell you have unfamiliarity with firearms, nothing wrong with that, it is commonplace. In your posts you state it is logical that reloading would provide time to stop a shooter. As I can very easily eject and reload a fresh magazine in sub 2 seconds with a blowback slide locking pistol or rifle (standard feature), do you believe that time is adequate?

Please, not fighting here that is pointless...only general curiosity on others thoughts.
I'm a little confused as to why multiple people have found it necessary to point out that it takes only 2 seconds to reload a magazine. Yet others keep pounding home the point that only a "good guy with a gun" can prevent these mass shootings. I guess a good guy with a gun couldn't shoot someone during a reload? Not sure what the point of the good guy with a gun is then.

As for the 5 rounds. That wasn't my idea, that was part of recently proposed legislation, so I thought I'd see what people think about it. Clearly people that are pro gun rights are not open to this idea.
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