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Old 06-12-2022, 09:13 PM
Carter08 Carter08 is offline
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Originally Posted by KMayUSA6060 View Post
Put me in whatever camp you want to. There is a time and a place for compromise, and excuse me for thinking protecting our children & our rights as citizens in this country are not the place. And let's be honest, I was pre-determined to be in whatever camp you're referencing simply based on my previous posts in this thread. Again, based on your lack of a response to my other discussion points, you're not coming off as a person who really wants to hear the "other side" and have a productive conversation.

Not one anti-gun proposal in this thread or really in politics would ever prevent all murders/mass shootings/mass killings. That is a fact. I'm not in the business of using my kids as an experiment, nor am I in the business of giving up my God-given rights as an American born citizen so that you and others can "feel" better.
Yeah, I’ll keep you in that camp. Thankfully there are others that are better that will keep their rights and also realize we can do better.
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