Here finally is the long-awaited thread that collectors can post their progress on the T205 set. I like to think of the T205 as the Gold Standard of Tobacco cards, and the set has inspired many to pursue it over its 111+ years of existence, due to its great design, colorful look, gold borders, awesome lineup of players, bio writeups on the back, different brand advertising, and various levels of scarcity to tempt those who like a good challenge when collecting.
This thread addresses that challenge by assigning EGGS (Elite Gold Gilded Set) values to individual cards in the set based upon both their scarcity and their popularity. This endeavor has truly been a collaborative effort - in case you missed it, here is a link to the previous thread that garnered plenty of input from the community that shaped the final EGGS values:
There are 221 officially recognized cards in the master set. 141 of these have been assigned a value of 1. These cards are not shown in the below listing, which highlights cards that have EGGS values between 2 and 18. When added up, the total EGGS value for a complete master set works out to 400, which as pointed out in the previous thread, is a fitting total amount for this, as the vast majority of the different brand advertising on the back indicates 400 designs.
The next post on this thread will be the running list for collectors to post the status of their T205 collection by identifying the Total EGGS value of the set they are working/worked on. This input from collectors will be maintained by me, just as I have for the E90-1 set on the Kraken thread.
For the purposes of this list backs were not considered when calculating each cards value, to keep things on a relatively simple level. There are also 8 variations that have not been recognized as widely within the hobby:
Collins, Eddie - closed mouth w/yellow elephant
Graham, George - Rustlers w/blue signature
Hoffman, Danny - yellow 2nd base, yellowish stripe in background
Hoffman, Danny - yellow 2nd base, no stripe
Miller, Dots - middle initial 'D'
Miller, Dots - middle initial 'D' with partial 'B'
Snodgrass, Fred - missing decimal point on .405 batting average
White, Doc - no quotation marks on Doc
I have decided for this reason not to assign values for these 8 cards. Collectors can indicate with their post how many of these cards they have, and I will post Speckled Eggs (asterisks) after their point total. For example a collection with value of 237 that has 3 of the above less recognized variations would be listed as: 237***
Below is the values of each of the 80 cards that have a value of 2 or more to figure out your total EGGS amount (As a reminder the 141 other cards in the official master set that are not shown have a value of 1):
Cards with EGGS value of 2:
Adkins, Doc ML
Baker, Frank
Barger, Cy - partial B on cap
Batch, Emil ML
Bender, Chief
Bresnahan, Roger - mouth closed
Brown, Mordecai
Cady, Hick ML
Chance, Frank
Chase, Hal - border on shirt
Chase, Hal - no border on shirt
Clarke, Fred
Collins, Eddie - mouth closed
Crandall, Otis - 'T' not crossed
Daubert, Jake
Donohue, Jiggs SP
Dougherty, Patsy - red sock
Dougherty, Patsy - white sock
Duffy, Hugh
Dunn, Jack ML
Fisher, Ray SP
Ford, Russ - white cap
Frick, James ML
Gray, Dolly - no stats
Griffith, Clarke
Hanford, Charles ML
Harmon, Robert - only left ear shows
Hoblitzell, Dick - name incorrect/no Cin. after 1908
Huggins, Miller
Jennings, Hugh
Karger, Ed SP
Kleinow, Red SP
Lee, Wyatt ML
Leifield, Lefty - A.P. Leifield on front
Marquard, Rube
McAllister, Sport ML
McGraw, John
Merritt, George ML
Nee, John ML
Phelan, James ML
Rowan, John SP
Scanlan, Doc SP
Sweeney, Jeff SP
Tinker, Joe
Vaughn, Hippo SP
Wagner, Heinie SP
Wallace, Bobby - with cap
Wheat, Zack
White, Kirb SP
Wiltse, Hooks - only right ear shows
Cards with value of 3:
Chase, Hal - only left ear shows
Cicotte, Eddie
Dahlen, Bill SP
Evers, Johnny
Graham, George - Cubs
Grant, Ed SP
Hoblitzell, Dick - name correct/no Cin. after 1908
Latham, Arlie - W.A. Latham on back
Raymond, Bugs SP
Shean, David - Cubs
Suggs, George SP
Turner, Terry SP
Wallace, Bobby - no cap/2 lines of 1910 stats
Cards with value of 4:
Bresnahan, Roger - mouth open
Collins, Eddie - mouth open
Collins, Jimmy ML
Speaker, Tris
Walsh, Ed SP
Cards with value of 5:
Gray, Dolly - stats on back
Mathewson, Christy - correct stats
Wilhelm, Kaiser - suffe ed in 18th line of bio SP
Cards with value of 6:
Johnson, Walter
Moran, Pat - stray line of type
Young, Cy
Cards with value of 7 or more (EGGS value in parenthesis):
Cobb, Ty (12)
Hoblitzell, Dick - no stats on back (18)
Joss, Addie SP (7)
Mathewson, Christy - Cycle Back, incorrect stats (13)
Wallace, Bobby - no cap - 1 line of 1910 stats (7)
Wilhelm, Kaiser - suffered in 18th line of bio (10)
Brian - here are some examples of T205 cards of varying values. I have included a scan of two Ewing cards to emphasize that, no matter whether your Ewing looks normal or more like one of the Village People, either one is worth one point, and no extra credit is given for multiple examples