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Old 06-08-2022, 03:23 PM
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Originally Posted by cannonballsun View Post
The chance anyone would have to defend themself with a gun (in a holdup or something like that) is very small. I can't think of anyone I know that had to do that.
I did have a coworker commit suicide with a gun. I did have another coworker who almost shot his son in the middle of the night. His son had forgot his keys and snuck into the house. It was a really close call.
I did have another coworker who was shot and killed by his wife. I don't know the details on that. The rumor was he was abusive to his wife, but I don't really know.
I had another coworker get loaded and stoned and go to his mother and father in laws house to pick up his daughter. They wouldn't give him his daughter (as he was drunk and stoned), and he started waving his gun around and put a few bullets in the walls or floor. Thankfully he didn't shoot anybody, but he spent over a year in jail. If his in-laws had a gun, he would probably be dead now.
By now you're thinking, what kind of place do I work at. There are a lot of people that work there, probably over 500. Anyway, guns are dangerous, beyond a doubt.
That is your opinion and everyone is entitled to theirs. I don't think guns kill, I think people do. And I would rather have the option of defending myself, with a gun, in my own home than not having the option.
Leon Luckey
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