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Old 06-01-2022, 07:11 AM
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Chris Eberhart
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 283

Originally Posted by ullmandds View Post
There is no question this country has a gun problem. I'm just looking to sample this community out of curiosity.
Have to be in complete disagreement with this statement. What we are seeing is a symptom of a much larger problem. Lots of moving parts here and guns aren’t it.

1) Liberal takeover of the educational system
2) The internet
3) First person shooter video games
4) Unlimited availability to pornography
5) Food additives
6) Overall dietary changes from fats to carbs
7) Unknown medication conflicts
8) Contaminated water supplies
9) Hollywood

Possible Solution:

1) Equal balance of Liberal & Conservative thought in schools
2) Limit under 18 internet access
3) Eliminate underage access to first person shooter video games
4) Eliminate underage access to pornography
5) Purify the food supply
6) Balance underage diets
7) Limit medications for children have long track records
8) Purify the water supply
9) Eliminate underage access to violent and sexual media content

Prediction: In 1 generation most of the problems subside.

The less expensive way out of this is blaming guns. If we as a nation don’t want the Liberty then there is a mechanism to remove it. Otherwise it stays in place.
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