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Old 05-31-2022, 11:20 PM
G1911 G1911 is offline McCl.@y
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Originally Posted by BobC View Post
You and your "friend" are now calling me an extremist
You chose to take the most extreme possible position there is - that context is irrelevant and one must be always an absolutist to a literal reading of a phrase that means something else, or be a hypocrite. There's not really a more extreme take than that; that's an extreme end of the scale. Also, Peter didn't say it was extreme. I did. We are not the same thing. Or "friends". We have never once even spoken privately. We have conversed for more than a post or two in maybe 4-5 threads. I'm pretty sure we discussed this already when you got triggered and threw a tantrum longer than Moby-Dick because Peter and I both expressed negative opinions on PWCC's fraud ring. Peter probably does not deserve the black mark of being associated with such a despicable fiend as myself for this.

Originally Posted by BobC View Post
And talk about being an absolutist in regards to something, who gave you and G1911 the right to apparently decide for everyone on the planet that Pro-life always refers to just abortions and the abortion issue?
You know exactly what pro-life vs. pro-choice is about. Stop pretending you don't. I did not define these terms in context. Nor did Peter. Decades of American culture and common language have.

Originally Posted by BobC View Post
I don't give a rat's ass what you two think Pro-life means or stands for, but I'll damned if you two are going to shove your interpretation and thinking of that down my throat as the be-all, end-all understanding of what that phrase's meaning is to everyone else in the world.
Again, you know damn well what the phrase means and its context here in this thread. You know what pro-choice vs. pro-life is.

Originally Posted by BobC View Post
And as far as any of my comments possibly being ignorant G1911, the only ignorant thing I have done is waste my time responding to you two!
Your post was definitely ignorant of what a logical argument is. Though what I actually said there was a false pretense of ignorance, I am positive you are well aware how pro-life vs. pro-choice has been discussed in this thread and what it means. Quite politely and reasonably too, before this nuttery.
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