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Old 05-30-2022, 04:34 AM
ClementeFanOh ClementeFanOh is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
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Default Nolan Ryan

Wow, lots of "tennis match" style back and forth between Nolan supporters
and those who feel he is "overrated". Full disclosure before I proceed, I am
neither an Angels nor an Astros fan, and Nolan isn't among my 3 favorite
players. However, I am a child of the 70s/80s so Nolan was in full force as
I grew up.

I will never understand people who attempt to somehow make Ryan
"smaller". Thankfully, no one above argued he shouldn't be HOF, so even
his detractors haven't left the planet. My 5 second internet search reveals
84 pitchers in the HOF. Even if we "demote" Ryan to 84th on that list- a true
stretch- he's still got to be in the top 1% of MLB history among pitchers.
It's hard to calculate how many pitchers there have been in MLB since, say,

For those of you who are too young to recall, Ryan was a phenomenon for
a LONG time. The 100 mph fastball, a string of 7 of 8 seasons with 300+
strikeouts, SEVEN no-nos. Didn't matter if you loved or hated him, he was
the symbol of MLB pitching for many years. This does NOT mean he was
"better" than Jim Palmer, Tom Seaver, or Steve Carlton. Those pitchers
were wonderful and did some things Ryan didn't; however, the reverse
also is true. For guys who worship at the altar of numbers, Ryan has them
over a 27 year career (!). I looked up the definition of "fame", and it is
"the state of being known or talked about by many people". Looks like he
checks that box too...

Again, my favorites are Clemente, Carew, and Aaron, so I'm not a Ryan
apologist or flag waver; however, his "rank" among HOF pitchers is largely
irrelevant. He clearly belongs there and possesses some of the most
remarkable statistical achievements and longevity imaginable, even in that
lofty circle. The HOF was constructed to honor players like him, he is a
monumental figure in the game's history (a positive figure, I suppose I
must note for this crowd). Trent King
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