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Old 05-23-2022, 03:46 PM
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Originally Posted by kjjavic View Post
Hey everybody,
It’s been a while since I posted in this thread, mainly because it’s been a while since I added any Eagles pennants to my collection. However a couple months ago I started a YouTube channel of picking sports memorabilia/ antiques etc at flea markets and elsewhere. My newer video deals with a massive 30,000 pennant collection a buddy and I recently purchased. Unfortunately there’s not much in the way of early baseball or football pennants in the group, but I’ve only looked through about 10% so far. These are mostly organized by state and there are some sports and college mixed in these boxes too, so time will tell if any hidden gems are in there. The stuff I show in the video are mainly sports only boxes though. Just figured some of you might enjoy looking at the collection.

I'm having trouble finding your ebay store. Can you provide a link?
if you can help with SF Giants items (no cards), let me send you my wantlist!
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