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Old 05-11-2022, 12:12 AM
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Lorewalker Lorewalker is offline
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Originally Posted by D. Bergin View Post
Are there certain sellers that are exempt from this slab service? Like Greg Morris is for raw cards?
No seller is exempt on sales of graded cards over 2K and if they are they are not saying anything. I suspect the price point will be lowered shortly to 1K too.

To other points made, how can this be something a seller should pay for? The seller has already paid for an opinion on the graded card, assuming they submitted it. Frankly if it is an assurance being provided to a buyer it would reason it should be their cost. Most buyers do not even want it for free, from those I have chatted with.

My feeling is that it is a cost that eBay should absorb since this is more about keeping their site as safe for users as possible. We all no no corporation will pass up a chance to pass the cost onto the little guy.
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