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Old 04-29-2022, 04:11 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
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Originally Posted by G1911 View Post
What's infantile is your 6 paragraph screed of anger and detest over a single line sarcastic remark about a grading company hopping into bed with the fraudsters best known for sneaking frauds past grading companies. All you want to do is bitch about people who think that this is a bad idea? No shit, not many people will think CSG choosing to publicly align with the graded card fraudsters is positive. Why would they? Good luck with that hot take. Take some of your own advice...
I made earlier comments to hopefully dispel and not have additional sarcastic remarks and jokes take over the thread so as to try and steer the discussion towards something more positive and productive, like reasoning behind CSG doing what on the surface appears to be a really bad decision. And yet almost immediately, here comes someone with a juvenile sarcastic comment just out of spite. There isn't anything more juvenile than that. Except maybe if you try to respond back to that person, and intentionally dumb down your comments so it is more on their level that they hopefully will understand, and they instead take that as you now being the juvenile because you're trying to communicate with them on a level they will comprehend. That is like being juvenile squared. Wow!

And as for being tedious in my rantings, you obviously find them to be that because you're from the close-minded and "I'm right and you're wrong!" school of thought. I really didn't want to hear the bitching and moaning about PWCC, so your immediate response is to come right back and make your sarcastic comment and shove it my face as a more or less "I'm going to do want I want, and you can't tell me what to do!" kind of statement. I wasn't trying to tell you what to do, just hoping the more adult side and thinking of people would prevail. My bad for continuing to hold out hope that might actually happen one day.
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