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Old 03-13-2022, 08:41 PM
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Kzoo Kzoo is offline
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Originally Posted by bnorth View Post
Please correct me if I am wrong. The ivermectin you wife bought at TSC didn't come in a Apple flavored paste with a picture of a horse on the package with dosing instructions for a horse did it?

Saying that I would take it in a second, just want to call it what it is no matter the side you are on. Animal OTC medications/vitamins are way better quality than the same for humans. The ones for animals are actually tested and contain what is on the label.
Yes Ben, that's the stuff and it comes in a slender yellow box. The apple flavor tastes like rubber bands and she also purchased/stockpiled some of the non-flavored version in the white boxes, too. We have a nurse friend at a local hospital who's seen their protocoled treatment not work and she suggested we try it. My wife's online research indicated the human dosage at '1 click' of the dispenser per 50 lbs of weight. Worked well for us.

On a side note, my wife also contracted a nagging cough early this past December that was originally diagnosed as bronchitis, as she was Covid negative. She was prescribed meds that didn't help, so she went to a different doctor about a month later. This doctor diagnosed her with pneumonia and prescribed her other meds that really weren't doing much either. So our same nurse friend suggested trying the Ivermectin again at '2 clicks' per 50 lbs of my wife's weight and her cough and pneumonia disappeared very quickly. Kind of crazy. That's our story.

On another side note. After she ordered several batches of the Ivermectin from Tractor Supply, she began receiving emails from them asking how 'our horse' was doing.
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