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Old 03-13-2022, 07:04 AM
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Originally Posted by energyrater1 View Post
Covid is over, and only affecting those who got the jab. This was biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people, and on top of that, tried to make sure you didn't have access to the cures (ivermectin, HCQ), and banned people who tried to tell you how to cure yourself.
Originally Posted by Kzoo View Post
HCQ was banned as a treatment option in 2020 by our governor here in MI, unfortunately. My wife bought ivermectin (horse paste to the MSM viewers) from Tractor Supply and it greatly helped cure several of my family members when combined with Zinc, including myself, who contracted Covid last year.
Exactly right. No info/advice that I ever seen recommending people eat healthy, exercise, get some fresh air, sunshine and take vitamin D and vitamin C +Zinc?
Nope, just stay isolated in your home at all times, wear a mask and basically have no social interaction at all.

Fauci is on record in the vid I posted stating, "he needs people to "solely" take the vaccines and nothing else" and still some don't question that or connect the dots???

And some still think what the news spews to them is truthful.
CNN, MSNBC and a few other were referring to ivermectin as horse de-wormer. Not one mention about the man who invented it winning a nobel prize for it. It was never touted as being a cure, it was touted as being a preventative measure, pre-covid, but, course, the media and those in big pharma tested it/tried it, supposedly, on patients who already had full blown covid then they used that info to slam it into the ground.

HCQ has been around forever as well, but because, like Ivermectin, it is cheap and there is no money to make off of it like the vaccines, they also slammed it, especially since a prior leader was endorsing/recommending it.
No, the vaccines were all about your health and well being because they cared so much and wanted you to get better asap!

I see a few above are putting words in mouth that I don't think covid exists or is real. I'm not 100% sure how they came to that conclusion and can extrapolate that from the info I've posted about the vaccines, but I'm all ears.

Maybe CNN, bringing the teenager with Asperger's disease, Greta, on their show to discuss covid and the vaccines is all some need? I wouldn't be surprised by that at all. She's an expert on climate change and all because she watch a couple David Attenborough videos, so why wouldn't she know a thing or two about covid and mrna vaccines?

Regardless, the whole sh*t show is now falling apart on them, and has been for sometime now, but still, many refuse to acknowledge that.
Even Pfizer's CEO is saying he had nothing to do with MRNA. Are lawsuits forthcoming? I certainly hope so!!

"Albert Bourla CEO of Pfizer, on why mRNA vaccine was counterintuitive. "I was surprised when they suggested to me that this was the way to go, and I questioned it."
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