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Old 03-13-2022, 12:33 AM
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VintageBall VintageBall is offline
Robert S
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 148

Thank you for you reply and perspective.

So what you are saying is that the current administration has not actually DONE anything to cause people to blame it for current gas prices.

Production is the same, there are no shortages, just some promises to go greener that actually have not been kept (which is likely why so many environmental groups are actually angry at the current administration). What the stats show and you just stated is that over the last year and two months since the administration has been in office, we have just experienced more of the same, in terms of drilling, production, oil and gas company profits, etc.

So, it seems to me after reading your reply, you are saying exactly what Politifact said after they did their research on this topic that you already knew about. It seems to me and others who have just learned the facts or already knew them, that pointing fingers at the administration is just an easy target with no basis in factual reality.

So am I correct after reading your reply, to assume that what seems to be causing the price of gas at the pump is the FEAR of actual shortages here coupled with the more realistic fear of shortages elsewhere in Europe where they do rely more on oil and gas from Russia?

I also just read this obvious fact: "The coronavirus pandemic prompted a big fall in oil demand and gasoline prices, due to declines in driving and air travel. As the economy has slowly rebounded, growing demand has boosted prices at the pump."

Also, are the numbers in this article correct from The Hill about where our oil and gas actually comes from:

It seems to show that we only get around 1% of the oil that actually makes it to our gas pumps from Russia. And that this amount is easily replaceable and that the percent from Russia was falling in 2021 BEFORE the invasion of Ukraine.

So when you combine this with what you and Politifact both mentioned about domestic production, it seems like we are doing OK.

So wouldn't this suggest that current higher prices should only be temporary?

And that, politics aside, the main culprit behind higher gas prices is actually the administration that moved to invade Ukraine and not the administration that rattled its sword on the campaign trail, making vague promises about going green that have not actually been kept.

And if we actually went greener wouldn't that mean that over the long haul we would be less dependent on any foreign producers and the price of our energy would actually fall over time? This is probably a conversation for another thread [emoji3] .

I thank you Vintagetoppsguy and the Socratic method and, as Exhibitman Adam has quipped in other threads, don't forget to tip your servers on the way out tonight...

Last edited by VintageBall; 03-13-2022 at 12:57 AM.