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Old 03-11-2022, 11:40 PM
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Bob Davies
Join Date: Jul 2015
Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Posts: 1,122

Originally Posted by Yoda View Post
Bravo Bob. As a Canadian, you expressed it best. I am a life-long registered Democrat and, of course, am utterly baffled why Biden cancelled the Keystone Pipeline at a time when the US now has a dire energy problem. Politics as usual, I fear, to keep the far left and the Greens mollified. How short term can you get, the same problem that has gotten the US in messes many times, and we don't seem to learn. Bob, I presume that Canada could pump and export enough non-Keystone oil to fill the 7% energy shortfall we will incur as Russian exports cease. With your vast reserves, I would think so. Anything is better than bringing in oil from those rogue states, Venezuela, Iran, and the Saudis.
I have several dear Canadian friends in Ontario (Lake Simco area) who always says US actions keep them guessing.
Leon, I haven't forgotten the card rule. I picked up, on Ebay of all places, a beautiful PSA5 Rochester Baking Jack Lapp. Deals can be hard to sniff out on Ebay but they are there.
Thank you. Sometimes we in Western Canada almost feel abandoned.
As for your point, we have the production capabilities to fill the void. We cannot get it all to market (read that to mean the US and Europe) because of the lack of pipeline capacity to both the East and Gulf Coast. Our glorious sock loving man-child Prime Minister is more interested in looking good on the world stage instead of actually solving problems and supporting our own country. Impressing Michael Bloomberg, Jane Fonda, Bill Gates, and others is more important to him than supporting people and an industry that will provide highly paid and skilled job to folks in his own country, while providing energy independence to North America. Finally, the world is starting to see Justin for who he really is, a failed part time drama teacher and snowboard instructor with a nine figure trust fund behind him, and no discernible skills as a leader.
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