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Old 03-11-2022, 02:53 PM
BobC BobC is offline
Bob C.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Ohio
Posts: 3,276

Originally Posted by vintagetoppsguy View Post
Even if he hadn't cancelled the Keystone Pipeline, it wouldn't make a difference present day. The pipeline would still be under construction and it would be a few years before it was online and operational. But I agree that either way it just wasn't a good move, and it set the tone for his energy policies from day one.

On another note, I'm being told to keep a full tank of gas at all times. Our existing pipelines are targets for hackers. Remember last year when the Colonial Pipeline was hacked (I think it was the Russians) and it created gas shortages?
Doesn't even have to be hackers, remember the major power outage from back in August, 2003 that took out 21 power plants throughout the Northeast US and Canada, affecting over 50 million people? Took them a couple days to finally get everything back to normal. The whole thing started when a tree branch in Walton Hills, Ohio, about 10 minutes from my house, fell on a power line and started a chain reaction.

Technology is great.............until it isn't. The more we use it, the more totally dependent we become on it. Remember the Enron debacle, that would have never been able to happen if computers weren't involved. And hackers and cyber criminals just make everything worse, especially as we are being slowly forced to do virtually everything electronically/digitally anymore.

One of the nice things about cards (or other old time collectibles) is you can still hold, feel, look at, and even smell them, in person if you want. Not the same with NFTs or stuff held in someone's vault, where you can only see pictures of what you have online, without having to make a special trip to go visit them. And if the power goes out or the internet goes down, I still have and can enjoy my cards.

Last edited by BobC; 03-11-2022 at 11:17 PM.