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Old 03-10-2022, 05:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
...[Luka] is the most impressive young player in the league by a long shot...
Originally Posted by BobbyStrawberry View Post
This is an absurd statement. Ja Morant is a younger and better basketball player than Doncic. Every GM in the league would take Morant over Luka given the choice.
Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
I'm A HUGE Ja Morant fan. Ever since murray state. I've been saying all along, "I don't know if Zion will pan out, but I KNOW Morant will be a superstar."

That said, he's still no Luka Doncic. Not even close. There isn't a single GM in the league who would take Morant over Luka. You don't know basketball if you think otherwise. You're a highlight reel watcher. Morant makes highlights. He's more fun to watch. But he's not a better player. Not even close.
Originally Posted by BobbyStrawberry View Post
Lol!! You are insufferable, and this comment is so ignorant it's not worth continuing the debate even if you weren't so obnoxious...

Well, shucks. It didn't take long for the data to come in on that prediction Bobby "I lied about my real name during registration and tried to scam someone in the B/S/T forums" Strawberry.

ESPN just conducted a survey with 15 of the league's execs to see who they thought was the best young point guard in the NBA. 11 of the 15 execs chose Luka as their 1st pick. Looks like I was wrong about saying they would "all" choose Luka, as 4 of the 15 chose Morant. Nobody chose Trae Young, although a few idiots did pick Trae over Morant as their 2nd choice, and one imbecile had Morant with his 4th pick. Nobody had Luka lower than 2nd. However, as I prophesied earlier, he was the top choice and no, it wasn't close.

As for your prediction that "Every GM in the league would take Morant over Luka given the choice."... ya, that one sorta fell flat.

11-4. You lose. I'm shocked.

Last edited by Snowman; 03-10-2022 at 06:31 PM.
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