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Old 03-09-2022, 04:28 PM
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Is Mudville so bad?
Join Date: Sep 2020
Location: West Coast
Posts: 4,847

Originally Posted by bmattioli View Post
First Covid now this crap.. I need a break..
My daughter is 26 and one of her first memories is watching the towers fall on 911, coupled with the mortgage meltdown in 2008, divisive polarized politics (shame on y'all), a general lack of respect we have for each other as humans, her's was the first generation raised on social media and all it's negative influences, etc., then throw in a world wide pandemic and now a war.

We were talking about it one day and she said "My generation is tired of constantly going through life changing events, we just want some degree of normalcy in our lives". Her and her friends are a smart group of kids, they know baloney when they see or hear it, and have a real solid no nonsense middle class approach to life.
Phil Lewis