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Old 02-19-2022, 01:08 PM
Huck Huck is offline
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Originally Posted by mrmopar View Post
Singing habits is a very interesting subject to me. Why some guys won't sign at all, why they exclude certain items, etc. The funniest part is, whether they intended for demand to grow or not, by refusing to sign something, they automatically create additional demand for it.
Yes, signing habits are interesting. A little off topic, but at a Tuff-Stuff show back in the 90's, Yogi Berra would not sign single signed bats. The collector had one of those huge 5-6 foot long display bats and Yogi would not sign it. So, the collector had Stan Musial sign it first and then Yogi signed it. Kind of odd.

I observed Orel Hershiser not signing a specific ticket. I believe it was the scoreless inning streak ticket. The collector begged and begged him to sign it, but Orel's handler/agent was adamant about Orel not signing the item. Eventually, I think Orel relented and signed the ticket. In Orel's case, I believe he is not signing that specific item and stockpiling the item for his heirs.

Purportedly, David Wells refuses to sign his Sports Illustrated cover, although I have seen signed copies.

And then there is the charmer Barry Bonds, again a Tuff-Stuff show and in the advertisement for the show, NO SWEET SPOT. Bonds would not sign on the sweet spot of the ball, only the side panel. Barry has to be different. I took a pass.
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