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Old 02-16-2022, 03:02 PM
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Originally Posted by D. Bergin View Post
Shows picture of un-taped box.

"You removed the tape from the box"

Why would he lie about something as ambiguous as that?
First off, people in this hobby lie all the time. The blowhard forums are chock-full of absolute nonsense. But even absent of intentional mistruths, what I run into more often in this community usually amounts to simple incompetence. Someone reads something that someone else posted and twists it into something it isn't because they lack reading comprehension skills or critical thinking skills, and then they repost it, others gobble it up, and next thing you know people start spouting out nonsense and every believes it. I wouldn't be surprised at all to find out that this "no tape" claim is someone who read some post on Blowhard where someone posted a picture of their eBay certified box, then someone else commented, "why is there no tape on that box?" (meanwhile, it was there all along, just on the back corner that isn't pictured) and next thing you know, all the eBay haters and TPG haters jump in and pile on with the "See! They don't even tape the boxes! I told you this was going to be a joke!". This shit happens ALL THE TIME. So, like I said. Sure, it's plausible. But I have no reason to believe this without evidence.
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