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Old 02-10-2022, 09:26 AM
Hankphenom Hankphenom is offline
Hank Thomas
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Originally Posted by glchen View Post
Here's my contribution with some trademark symbol at the top right. Not exactly sure what's written in the globe, but looks like Imperial?
Really interesting thread on these, but I have questions: is this the front of one of the tablets you were supposed to save, the cards being on the front? If not, do we know which tablets they're referencing, and how the cards were distributed otherwise? Do we know what the prizes were, how many tablets you had to save for a prize, and how the prize would be claimed--presumably you'd have to send in your tablet fronts somewhere? Anybody ever seen the rules to this contest? Since a "Ms. Becker" has been mentioned here several times, I guess she is the signatory "L.A. Becker," and I'd like to have the skinny on her and her contest.
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