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Old 01-27-2022, 02:01 PM
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Originally Posted by ajjohnsonsoxfan View Post
The first round of testing was supposed to be a blind test to see if there was cause to do more testing in the future. The NY Times leaked some of the results and named Ortiz as testing positive. Ortiz has always claimed that that was a hit piece by the NY media because there were a bunch of Yankees that had also tested positive and no one from Boston. I don't believe he ever admitted to using PED's. The fact that he never tested positive in ALL the years after even as the testing got better and more accurate says to me he either never took PED's or stopped after the league made it illegal. I have a hard time believing that he somehow evaded the hundreds of tests over the years with designer PED's.

Regardless, he's immortalized now and deservingly so. Loved watching him dismantle the Yankees in 2004.
Not testing positive for years means nothing. A-rod and a bunch of other players got caught and suspended around 2012/2013 with zero positive tests.

Also in the early years of testing, players names weren't released unless they failed more than one test.
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