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Old 01-27-2022, 08:02 AM
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Originally Posted by irv View Post
Can you please explain to me how someone who is fully vaxxed but ends up with covid anyways, who ends up in the hospital in the ICU then claims, if it wasn't for the vaccines it would have been a lot worse?
How does anyone know that?

Also, like what some now silenced, shunned and ridiculed doctor's and other medical professionals were saying about these shots and what it does to your natural immune system, especially after receiving the boosters, seems to now also be gaining some traction again. Imagine that.

Fauci has discussed this a number of times including in the video I recently posted. He mentions how vaccines can cause confusion within the natural immune system. It can be helpful as the body wants to focus on a different version of the virus where the vaccine generated response goes after the new variant but can also be bad.

Very early on in the White House briefings when the mRNA vaccines were first being mentioned he stated how the biggest fear is a vaccine that creates a hyper immune response. There are several medical phrases for this.

The fact is we have given a vaccine that has little to long term tests on humans to billions of people worldwide. Fauci said in that same video I posted it would take a decade or more to develop and test the mRNA technology with massive funding. He stated this in October 2019.

The CBC and others are now claiming to avoid or wait getting a booster shot if you've had omicron. Why is that?
Why does anyone need a vax if they had the disease they were already infected with?

"If you got Omicron post-vaccination, medical experts advise not to rush out for a booster shot"
"The unprecedented surge of cases has led to cancelled surgeries, staffing shortages in the health-care system and record-breaking hospitalization rates — alongside plenty of less serious bouts of illness, including among those who've been fully vaccinated against COVID-19"

Were you aware that 2 FDA officials resigned because of Biden's plans to roll out booster shots against their wishes?

People are scared half to death of a disease that they have a 99% chance of surviving. People are panicking and heading to the hospital if they have a runny nose, a headache, or think that is what they need to do. And people wonder why our hospitals might be over run!?!? Calls to 911 are over the top as well. It is complete insanity, or as the now shunned and ridiculed co-inventor of the MNRA vaccine said, it is mass formation psychosis.

Did you see what is going on over in Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world who had already rolled out a 4th booster sometime ago?
Think it's possible that it is the vaccines themselves that is causing this or do you and others still think the vaccines work?

"Average number of new infections reported in Israel each day reaches new high: Now reporting more than 75,600 daily. COVID-19 infections in Israel are at their peak — the highest daily average reported — now at 75,603 new infections reported each day"

Anyways, there is no sense carrying with this as it seems some just want to insult and ridicule (not you) rather than look/read what I have posted, so with that, that's it for me in this thread. It's amazing and bewildering to me, that despite what I've posted and what we now know, that people still trust the system, their gov't and big pharma.

Stay well.
To be honest, you pretty much lost me when you said how covid is a tool used by these liberal countries who are using lockdowns and vaccines to push the Great Reset. Liberal countries like Canada, USA, Australia, England, Germany, China, and Russia?? This makes no sense, sorry.

Oh, and you missed this in your "while we weren't watching" links, although you can be forgiven since you aren't in USA:
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