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Old 01-19-2022, 06:33 AM
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Rhotchkiss Rhotchkiss is offline
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Originally Posted by Exhibitman View Post
The value of a copyright, patent or trademark on a digital image is the right to use it and sell the right to use it. If the NFT came with the copyright so you could license it then it would have some independent value. But as they stand now, they do not, so the comparison with other forms of intellectual property is inapposite.
A painting does not come with a copyright. Nor do many other types of intellectual property, yet the owner has rights to enforce its non-use and to license its use. I don’t want to get into a legal debate.

Regardless, the analogy is not perfect, but as mentioned, I am trying to explain it to “earth people”, like Bob (and me), for whom the concept of an NFT can be tough to grasp. And this analogy, while not perfect, is plenty close enough for that purpose
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