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Old 01-17-2022, 02:42 PM
japhi japhi is offline Lan.dry
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 183

They didn’t pay 7 figures, they are lying about that. That tale and the idea this was some hick farmer is a big part of them trying to improve provenance . The case sold on bids for 5 figures and they purchased it AFTER that sale fell through. So hard to believe they paid 15x the failed auction price.

Suspect they got it for under 80k and were taking a chance on getting it authed and or bringing it back for refund / legal. A gamble and fraud that almost paid off big time.

Originally Posted by swarmee View Post
My thoughts are that this guy and Jameel (meelypops) just got dollar signs in their eyes and thought they could make a quick million dollar flip once Steve signed off. If they thought the case was fake, I don't think they would have recorded videos and posted Youtube clips of them flying to Canada to take possession of the package and then be so open about taking it to BBCE. Just that greed got the best of them.
Whether or not their backstory swayed Steve to make the authentication, it doesn't look like he relied on that at all. He seems to have just put eyes on the item and blessed it.
So supposedly the two buyers went to Canada and paid "7 figures" for the original faked case, then had it sealed at BBCE, and resold it soon after for $2.7M. Meely supposedly got $550K from the sale, meaning the other guy got $2.2 Million or so. That guy seems to have run out of cash, and cannot refund Shyne, the guy that flipped it to Logan Paul. Meely originally balked on returning the $550K and then it looks like his lawyer convinced him to put it in escrow to repay Shyne. Meely has a store in Gainesville FL that I visited a few years ago, but regularly posted his baseball card show transactions on social media and blowout recaps. If he cannot get the money back from the Canadian guy pokebutler, I guess he's learning an expensive lesson.

We'll see if this goes the criminal route against either Jameel or his co-buyer (or the Canadian authorities go after the maker), or whether this is fought in courtrooms over the lost cash. If the first buyers knew the case was fake when they imported it to the US, then they could be in for a mess with the FBI. But if that were the case, why pay $1 million on the off-chance that it would fool Steve? Why not just create your own fake case in the US and attempt to pass that off?
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