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Old 11-26-2021, 09:41 PM
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Jobu Jobu is offline
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: WI
Posts: 3,751

I would also love it if people would leave the asking price in the listing so that people can see the initial ask after it has sold. I have started writing sold next to the price if it sold for the ask and crossing out the ask (but leaving it there) and writing sold next to it if I ended up eventually taking a bit less. Before someone comments that the sale price is between the buyer and the seller, 1) it could be, but you can still leave the initial price, 2) you already posted the ask for everyone to see so why take it down later, and 3) everything that sells at auction or on Ebay can be looked up, so it isn't as if there is some mystical hobby-wide practice of selling behind closed doors that would be violated only here on the bst if people left the prices.
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